Mausoleum entombment is above-ground burial, in a place of worship, a sanctuary

Mausoleums are strong, permanent structures, containing private compartments known as crypts. Crypts were built to endure through the ages. They are clean, dry and completely sheltered in this protected environment.
Made of concrete and steel, marble or granite, they are handsome, rich looking, each having a personal inscription in remembrance of your loved one. Family members can be placed in crypts next to each other.
Mausoleum entombment costs less then in-ground burial
A crypt is a one-time cost. There are no hidden or added expenses such as plots, vaults, planting, monuments, headstones and footstones. No annual cost, no annual upkeep.
Now mausoleum space can be purchased on easy terms over a period of time.

Mausoleum entombment has all the advantages over in-ground burial
Completely protected against the elements, both above and below ground, crypt burial is a loving and lasting tribute to those you love. There's a feeling of warmth, closeness, dignity in surroundings you can memorialize in private. Mausoleums provide a clean, majestic shrine to those you love.
Mausoleum entombment fights inflation
As the cost of living goes up, so does the cost of care, labor and building materials. Since crypts are a one-time cost, you avoid the rising cost of care, planting and monuments.
Mausoleum entombment is becomming the choice of more and more people today
Crypts burial dates back to biblical times. Today people of all faiths, all social and economic backgrounds are preferring above-ground burial, for all the reasons you have read here.
Mausoleum entombment is not only for the wealthy
Thanks to easy terms, thanks to a one cost, and thanks to the fact that crypt burial costs no more, even less than in-ground burial, families of modest means can now afford an entombment space.